
Sandrine de Laprade Vassort



After an initial career in tourism and business aviation at Le Bourget, Sandrine worked as an executive assistant to senior executives in the hotel and fine wine sectors, notably for the LVMH group. Accustomed to service excellence and ultra-polyvalent, she went on to develop an independent personal assistant service for private individuals and professionals. She can be mobilised at short notice, she is equally at home in the field and in project management. She is the agency's Swiss Army knife!


Favourite aeroplane: the Cessna 208 Caravan, because it reminds me of the thrill of landing in Saint-Barthélemy when I was a child.


Most memorable trip: they've all been memorable, Vietnam, Bali, India, but if I had to pick just one, I'd say South Africa, for the diversity of its landscapes and the wonderful human encounters.


Never without: my headphones for a life of music!

As part of a team, I thrive on the diversity of the services I am asked to provide. My added value is to save you time and peace of mind.